
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Old Money, New Money, and Everyone Else

In the Great Gatsby, people from East Egg seem to look down on people from West Egg. East Egg residents are shown to possess sophisticated qualities and graces, whereas West Egg residents are shown to lack moderation and taste. A prime example of a 'typical' West Egg resident is Jay Gatsby. He throws over-the-top parties in a desperate attempt to show-off to his guests and attract Daisy to his mansion.
We see at Gatsby's parties that he is genuinely concerned for his guests. Gatsby goes out of his way to be an extremely accomadating host. For example, he provides shuttles for his guests to reach the train. In contrast, Daisy and Tom are not worried about anyone else but themselves. They have secret affairs behind each others' backs.
New money, like Gatsby, seems to not handle finances well, but has a general concern for other people. Old Money, such as Daisy and Tom, handle their finances well, but do not seem to have any consideration for anyone else but themselves.
Are East Eggers really any better than West Eggers?

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