
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Modern Puritans

I know Puritans to be very strong believers in their beliefs. A modern day example of Puritans, in my opinion, would be political parties; the Republicans and Democrats. Both parties are very attached to their ideas of what government should and should not do. There is almost no room for other foreign ideas to enter into their realm of thought. Being so narrow minded can be the downfall of such groups. The ability to compromise is essential to the growth and development of society and our country. Another example of why I refer to the political parties as modern Puritans: whenever a member of one political party has a view which is contrary to their party's general beliefs, they are looked down on by other members of their own group. The media publicly shames and rips apart their name on television and magazine covers across the nation. This kind of public shaming could be compared to public humiliation or hanging which was such a popular form of punishment in Puritan societies. Members don't get backed by their political party if they dont comply or vote with certain legislature or policies. The same was true for members of the Puritan society. If you chose not to follow the rules dictated by the leaders of the community, then you were not supported by those in the society. These are just a few reasons why I refer to political parties to modern Puritans.


  1. I really like your comparisons of the Puritans with the Political parties, i never thought of it that way, but I totally see your point! Many great examples supporting your argument as well! really great writing!

  2. This is a very strong point. More specific current examples of some of the things mentioned, like the media for example, would make it even stronger.

  3. Jill, I really liked your comparison, and I have never thought of it that way, but you had many good points showing how they were similar, I loved everything about your post, good work!
