
Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I am thankful for PHOEBE ROSE BLACK-TOBY. She always flashes her BEAUTIFUL smile whenever she laughs...which is ALL OF THE TIME. Phoebe is always so giddy and cheerful that it is contagious sometimes. She doesn't seem to care about what people think about her because she's already happy being herself. Phoebe definitely is VERY charasmatic and is full of charm, her positive energy could light up a whole room. Phoebe has an amazing eye for fashion. It always astounds me how awesome she is at putting outfits together to make them as unique as her. Phoebe is definitely like my little sister. Whenever I see her, whether it be in one of our classes, in the halls, or by the lockers, she always runs up and gives me a hug. Seeing Phoebe always puts a smile on my face because she's just PHOEBE and there's no other adjective unique, or special enough to describe Phoebe.

They're the best group buddies everrr.

Nat always makes me laugh unintentionally and is probably one of my favorite freshman. Nat is a really good writer but he'll never let me read his stuff out loud...(sadface). Hopefully by the end of the year I'll be able to read one of his masterpieces out loud.

This is the second year Lydia is my English buddy and I always admire the way she is able to express her thoughts and opinions without fumbling for her words. Lydia and me basically have the same music taste. Whenever I need help I can always turn to Lydia because she's one if the dependable people I know.

Lastly, Matt is super chill about everything and brings up unique points of view about anything we are reading. Matt seems like he's so laid back all the time which is something I wish I could be. MATT YOU'RE AWESOME.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

I Celebrate Myself

I celebrate my life.
“Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Just this Veteran's Day weekend I had the bad fortune to attend the visitation of a veteran family friend whom passed away late last week. On a table near the casket, there was a television flashing pictures from throughout his life. I had the chance to watch the pictures chronicle the years he spent on Earth. It suddenly gave me comfort to see pictures of him living the life that made him happy. His young face gleamed as he stood on his army base with a shiny new rifle in his right hand. He looked with admiration at, what was at the time, his brand new Buick.  He smiled gleefully in pictures from vacations surrounded by family. Further on, as I looked around the room, I heard whispers and giggles as relatives said "Remember when..." Sitting in the parlor made me realize what kind of person I want to die as. I want to be the person who says, "I'm ready" when the time comes to pass from my earthly shell. I don't want to be the person to say "I'm not ready to die." or "Dying scares me." Death only scares those people who haven't accomplished or done everything they've wanted to do or say.

 “It is not the length of life, but the depth.”
 - Ralph Waldo Emerson

These people are often referred to as workaholics, hermits, close-minded, and ones comfortable living their routine lives. Breaking routines and habitual activity requires spontaneity. To become spontaneous, one must be ready to explore and be intrigued to discover new possibilities, and excited to face new challenges that make them question their previous perception of things. Spontaneity allows an individual to reach a higher level of understanding about their purpose in this life. Spontaneity allows an individual to celebrate themselves by learning things about themselves they never knew before.

“Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.” 
- Ralph Waldo Emerson 
Not only do I want to celebrate myself during my life, on Earth, I want people to celebrate my great legacy I hope to leave behind.

"To conquer death is said to be the ultimate achievement, but actually, conquering life is the sweetest victory." 
- Jillian Gomez

I celebrate my life after death.